Hi everybody, thank you for reading this message. I have a topic I want to cover real quick, and that is salon safety at Mykala and Co salon.
So to start, we are remaining open for as long as the government will allow us, we continue to monitor any/ all updates and changes daily and are responding the best we can. We already work toward reducing any disease, virus, or illness each and every day, even when there is not a viral outbreak. We pride ourselves on adhering to the set guidelines set by the CDC as well as the Idaho bureau of occupational licensing. We also regularly use Barbacide which is a medical-grade cleaner for disinfecting everything in our salon space.
With recent events, we have doubled down on our salon cleaning efforts. We have fully deep-cleaned the salon, chairs, counters, surfaces, bathroom, door fixtures, lobby, guest areas, etc in an effort to keep our environment as clean as possible, and will continue to do so. We clean multiple times a day, including the regular cleaning of our chairs both before and after a client service. We also utilize gloves to reduce human contact during services, in an effort to keep our customers and staff healthy.
So… how will this affect you as our client?
We are currently limiting our appointments to accommodate as few guests in the salon as possible while utilizing social spacing from other customers. We ask that only the person with the set appointment come to the appointment, meaning children, friends, and family are to be left at home. We ask that we are notified of any appointment cancellations with 24-48 hours advanced notice. We also ask if you are feeling ill, or under the weather in any way, you reach out to us ASAP to reschedule your service. We are also requiring anybody entering the salon to wash their hands thoroughly upon entry. We have multiple sinks and disinfecting hand soaps for your use.

Please do your best to keep your appointments, and to limit no show appointments.
This is a very unique and challenging time for small local businesses. In this same regard, if you need your hair done right now, please book sooner than later. We don’t know how long we will be able to remain open for our amazing clients amid all of this chaos before we are forced to close temporarily. If you are in need of any products, please shop online, and we can deliver the products right to your door. With Love, Mykala